Auction Catalog

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Displaying items 13 - 15 of 15 in total

Mrs. Young's Beach Lunch Fun

Mrs. Young

Beach Lunch Fun with Mrs. Young and a Friend.  Teacher will provide  a special drink/treat.  Students will provide thier own lunch.

Beach Lunch Fun with Mrs. Young and a Friend.  Teacher will provide  a special drink/treat.  Students will provide thier own lunch.

Beach Lunch Fun with Mrs. Young and a Friend.  Teacher will provide  a special drink/treat.  Students will provide thier own lunch.

Mrs. Zimmerer's Assistant for th...

Mrs. Zimmerer

Teacher Assistant for the Day and lunch of their choice with teacher

Teacher Assistant for the Day and lunch of their choice with teacher

Teacher Assistant for the Day and lunch of their choice with teacher

Piano Lessons with Mrs. Delesder...

Mrs. Delesdernier

One month (4 lessons) piano- 1st grade or older

One month (4 lessons) piano- 1st grade or older

One month (4 lessons) piano- 1st grade or older